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Create a Custom Theme With OpenCart: Part Four

شنبه, ۶ دی ۱۳۹۳، ۰۹:۱۳ ق.ظ
This post is part of a series called Create a Custom Theme With OpenCart.
Create a Custom Theme With OpenCart: Part Three

If you've followed the series thus far, you should be able to find the location of home page layout template. Although a quick look at the templates here and there inside "€œdefault"€ theme should give you a hint that it's located at €œdefault/template/common/home.tpl

But if you may have noticed the route of the home page, it contains the value€œcommon/home. So, as we discussed earlier, you can always map this route to find the appropriate layout template file.

Homepage Layout Elements

Looking at the œhome.tpl€ file, you'll realize that most of the content is generated via the generic elements like $header$footer etc. We won't discuss the $headerand $footer elements as you already know that the contents of those variables are coming from œheader.tpl and €œfooter.tpl€ files underneath  template/common directory, respectively. 

In the case of default OpenCart home page, there are no modules assigned at the "€œColumn Left"€ or "€œColumn Right"€ position so you can say that $column_left and$column_right variables are not doing anything. So everything you see on the home page except for the header and footer, is coming from either $content_topor $content_bottom variable. "€œSlideshow"€ and "€œFeatured"€ modules are assigned to "€œContent Top"€ position and "€œCarousel"€ module is assigned to "€œContent Bottom"€ position to the "€œHome"€ layout.

Now lets go further and see how exactly these modules are assigned to "€œHome"€ page layout.

Get logged into the back-end and go to "€œExtensions > Modules"€. This will list out all the modules available in the system. Now, click on the "€œEdit"€ link for the "€œSlideshow"€ module which will display the module assignment interface.

Slideshow Module Configuration

Although there is quite a bit of configuration available here, the important column for us are "€œLayout"€ and "€œPosition"€. As per the values assigned there, "€œSlideshow"€ module will be displayed at "€œContent Top"€ part in the "€œHome"€ layout. 

From here, you can also assign a "€œSlideshow"€ module to any layout at any position using "Add Module" button. Now let's take a look at an another example, on the module listing page click on the "€œEdit"€ link for the "€œFeatured"€ module.

Featured Module Configuration

Again you can see that, the "€œLayout"€ and "€œPosition"€ values are same as that of the "€œSlideshow"€ module. So now you should be familiar with how exactly these modules are displayed in the home page. As you may have noticed that there is also "€œRemove"€ button available which is used to un-assign a module from the specific layout. Go ahead and explore the settings for "€œCarousel"€ module yourselves!

Now that you are aware with how module is assigned and unassigned to a specific page and position, we'll go through the same to tweak the home page layout. Jump into the admin section, and go to the "€œExtension > Modules"€ to bring the module listing page on the table.

In this step, we'll remove all the assigned modules from the home page.

  • Click on the "Edit" link for the "Slideshow" module. Now, click on the "Remove" button to un-assign a module from "Home" layout. After that click on "Save" button to apply the changes. Repeat the same procedure for the "Carousel" and "Featured" modules. 

At the end of this step if you check your home page, you should see almost an empty home page except "header" and "footer" parts. Don't worry, that's what we really intended to do! In the next step, we'll assign a bit different set of modules to "€œColumn Left"€ and "€œColumn Right"€ positions in home page. Let's go to the module listing page again.

  • Click on the "€œEdit"€ link for the "€œCategory"€ module. At the bottom right of the page, you'll see an "€œAdd Module"€ button, clicking upon which would add a new row to the listing. In that row, in the "€œLayout"€ column select "€œHome"€ and in the "€œPosition"€ column select "€œColumn Left"€. After that click on "€œSave"€ button to apply the changes.
  • Click on the "€œEdit"€ link for the "€œAccount"€ module. Click on the "€œAdd Module"€ button to add a new row. In the newly added row, in the "€œLayout"€ column select "€œHome"€ and in the "€œPosition"€ column select "€œColumn Right"€. Apply your changes using the "€œSave"€ button.

So now let's have a look at our front-page:

Partial Homepage

So far we have done all the layout related tweaking from the back-end itself. In this section, we'll add a bit of static text content to the œhome.tpl. Whenever you need to add a static text in any template, instead of putting the text directly inside the template you should follow the standard way of the OpenCart. Let's exercise the same. 

Of course, you won't directly edit the œhome.tpl file in the "€œdefault"€ theme, lets override it in your custom theme!

Go ahead and open €catalog/language/english/english.php. Add the following line at the end of the file just before the line which contains œ?>.

Now go ahead and open œcatalog/controller/common/home.php. We'll include the language variable added in the english.php file in this controller file so it's available in the œhome.tpl file for display.

In "€œhome.php"€ before the following line,

Add this one,

This will make sure that the $welcome_text variable is available in the layout template file just like any other variables. Now the only thing remaining is to include$welcome_text in the home.tpl file. So your home.tpl should look like this,

I've done very few changes in this file. I've added the variable $welcome_textsurrounded by <div> tag. I've also removed the display:none from the <h1> tag so the title is displayed. Finally, a bit of formatting of the code is done for better readability. Here's the final snap!

Complete Homepage

There are a couple of important things to note here, although we've directly modified english.php and home.php files but it's strictly discouraged to do so. It was just done to keep this example simple. In fact, you should use "vQmod" OpenCart extension in the case in which you need to modify the core files.

So this was a pretty simple example to demonstrate the layout modifications on the home page layout. Although we added a simple static text, you can fetch more dynamic information from the database and display the same in the template! 

Of course, that is something requires a bit of knowledge of how OpenCart model works. You're encouraged to go further and assign couple of more modules to the different positions to see how things work.

I hope this series helped you to understand what exactly OpenCart theme is all about and how to customize the default theme with your own. You can always shoot your comments and questions in the feed below.

  • ehsan gholami

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