انواع خطاهای وب و معنی آن ها
دو خطای رایج:
404 – Page Not Found :
این پیام خطا زمانی رخ می دهد که صفحه ای که درخواست شده بر روی سرور وجود ندارد. ممکن است به علت اشتباه تایپی این مشکل بوجود آید.
500 – Internal Server Error :
این پیغام خطا زمانی اتفاق می افتد که سرور نتواند یک اسکریپت در حال اجرا را پردازش نماید. این پیام خطا به طور معمول شامل اطلاعات مربوط به خطا در اجرای اسکریپت می شود.
سایر خطاها:
4xx – Client Error :
400 Bad request.
401 Access denied. IIS defines a number of different 401 errors that indicate a more specific cause of the error. These specific error codes are displayed in the browser but are not displayed in the IIS log:
401.1 Logon failed.
401.2 Logon failed due to server configuration.
401.3 Unauthorized due to ACL on resource.
401.4 Authorization failed by filter.
401.5 Authorization failed by ISAPI/CGI application.
401.7 Access denied by URL authorization policy on the Web server. This error code is specific to IIS 6.0.
403 Forbidden. IIS defines a number of different 403 errors that indicate a more specific cause of the error:
403.1 Execute access forbidden.
403.2 Read access forbidden.
403.3 Write access forbidden.
403.4 SSL required.
403.5 SSL 128 required.
403.6 IP address rejected.
403.7 Client certificate required.
403.8 Site access denied.
403.9 Too many users.
403.10 Invalid configuration.
403.11 Password change.
403.12 Mapper denied access.
403.13 Client certificate revoked.
403.14 Directory listing denied.
403.15 Client Access Licenses exceeded.
403.16 Client certificate is untrusted or invalid.
403.17 Client certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
403.18 Cannot execute requested URL in the current application pool. This error code is specific to IIS 6.0.
403.19 Cannot execute CGIs for the client in this application pool. This error code is specific to IIS 6.0.
403.20 Passport logon failed. This error code is specific to IIS 6.0.
404 Not found.
404.0 (None) – File or directory not found.
404.1 Web site not accessible on the requested port.
404.2 Web service extension lockdown policy prevents this request.
404.3 MIME map policy prevents this request.
405 HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed (method not allowed.)
406 Client browser does not accept the MIME type of the requested page.
407 Proxy authentication required.
412 Precondition failed.
413 Request entity too large.
414 Request-URI too long.
415 Unsupported media type.
416 Requested range not satisfiable.
417 Execution failed.
423 Locked error.
5xx – Server Error
500 Internal server error.
500.12 Application is busy restarting on the Web server.
500.13 Web server is too busy.
500.15 Direct requests for Global.asa are not allowed.
500.16 UNC authorization credentials incorrect. This error code is specific to IIS 6.0.
500.18 URL authorization store cannot be opened. This error code is specific to IIS 6.0.
500.100 Internal ASP error.
501 Header values specify a configuration that is not implemented.
502 Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy.
502.1 CGI application timeout.
502.2 Error in CGI application.
503 Service unavailable. This error code is specific to IIS 6.0.
504 Gateway timeout.
505 HTTP version not supported.
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