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Backup & Recovery in Windows redmine

يكشنبه, ۷ دی ۱۳۹۳، ۱۱:۲۵ ق.ظ

Backup & Recovery in Windows

Subscribe to Backup & Recovery in Windows 8 post(s), 4 voice(s)



16 post(s)

What is the best possible way to “backup redmine” in Windows OS.
Please help.

Thanks & Best Regards,


AvatarBeltrán Rueda


3,714 post(s)

You can create a backup using several methods. I will comment two of them.

1. If you want to create a backup of the database only.

Go to the “use_redmine” shortcut and type the follwing in the command prompt:

> mysqldump -u root -p bitnami_redmine > backup.sql

The password is the same than your administrator password in Redmine application or the same that you write during the installation. You should also copy the files that you have uploaded to the application, which are into the /apps/redmine folder.

2. If you want to backup the whole Stack.

This method is very quick and let you move your Redmine application to another Windows machine easily.

IMPORTANT: Stop the servers. You can stop the servers using the shortcut or you can stop the services in the Windows service panel ( you can type in a command prompt “services.msc”). The name of the services are redmineApache, redmineMySQL and redmineMongrel. It is possible that you have more than one Mongrel.

- Once you have stopped the services, copy your installation directory in a USB, CD or to the other machine directly. It is important that the installation directory is the same in the new machine. For example if you have installed the Stack in C:\Program FIles\BitNami Redmine Stack, this is the same location where you should copy the backup in the new machine.

- Install the services in the new machine. Go to a command prompt and type:

> cd “C:\Program Files\BitNami Redmine Stack”
> servicesinstall.bat INSTALL

That’s all, I hope it helps.



16 post(s)

Dear Beltran,

I prefer the second solution..and it is working without any problem.
Thanks you very much for the excellent help.

Thanks & Best Regards,


AvatarBeltrán Rueda


3,714 post(s)

Great! I’m glad to hear this.



11 post(s)

Dear, Beltran

I´ve sent a topic similar to this to do a question (https://bitnami.com/forums/forums/redmine/topics… for recovery the backup.sql before the command
mysqldump -u root -p bitnami_redmine > backup.sql

I don´t Know how to do this and i don´t see anything about this in the forum to recovery de backup in Windows




11 post(s)

Dear all,

Finish, i find the command to recovery the backup.

Apologize for the inconvenients.


AvatarSriram Chitturi

5 post(s)

Before installaing I did the following, which helped me backing up and moving the Bitnami redmine to another machine easily.
a) create or pick up some directory (say for eg. C:\MyProjects\Redmine) where you want to install the stack
b) use Windows “subst” command and assing a uncommon drive letter to the directory, eg. subst X: “C:\MyProjects\Redmine”
c) Now when you install the Bitnami stack give this drive (X:) as the destination folder to install
d) Make sure to place the subst command in autoexec.bat file, so that the drive letter is correctly assigned whenever the machine is rebooted

Now you can back up the complete Bitnami stack as it is.
Not only that if you run out of space on the current disk, or if you attach anoter drive or what ever, just move the contents to that folder and change the subst command. Hope this helps.


AvatarBeltrán Rueda


3,714 post(s)

Great quick guide for backups. Thanks for sharing with other BitNami users.

  • ehsan gholami

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